As the Burrito Burns

Step into the surrealishious and amazing world of Mexico as told through the eyes and mind of a teacher who has spent the past 20 years living in the coastal city of Puerto Vallarta. A wide range of experiences stretching from the serious to the sublime: living, working, marrying, birthing, teaching, eating, drinking, frolicking and fraternizing and so much more. There is so much to see and do, to tell and be told the list never gets old here at "As the Burrito Burns."

Friday, September 29, 2006

Chewy Rings of Mystery Meat.

First of all, thanks to a good friend who managed to cure my case of "blogstipation," I've passed a few "stones" and am ready to do "business" again. I can't believe it's been this long! The burning burrito was totally "crispified" in every sense so I'm attempting a new batch of epistles and if you've been checking in, I'm really grateful for your loyalty. xxo

It's 10:30 on a Friday night and there's thunder outside but I am totally unconcerned because I have "Black-Eyed Peas" on the sound system and a few "Cubas" under my belt. The tunes are quite appropriate in terms of the theme: "Mexican girls, girls, girls, Latin girls, what's happenin' girls? Yo quiero...."

A group of us hit "El Grito" after school for a few "cool ones" and plenty of interesting discussions. This spot is a "centro Botanero" which mean as long as the beverages are flowing, the snacks are free. Who can argue with that? The thing is, we enjoyed the first few "items" but then they brought us these tostadas with suspect chewy rings of mystery meat buried in spicy salsa and there were a few comments regarding the origin of the meat. I had the idea that the "meat" came from the hind end of a burro and after hitting on a knarly piece of "ring" shaped meat, my friend David agreed. Ha! We still had a great time and the price of $18 pesitos a brew is all that matters. We'll have to wait until tomorrow to see what the actual reprecussions are but I'm OK with the fact that we might have to "pay" for all the fun we had. Hey, what else is new?
More to come. I promise!


  • At 2:14 PM, Blogger Andrea J. Carman said…

    Guess what? Either the meat was safe or I have guts of iron because I actually felt pretty good this morning! I have been really productive all day and that's good news for the family since I have a whole delicious menu planned. You should see my focaccia! It's worthy of the cover of Gourmet, if I do say so myself. Anyway, thanks for tuning in and I'm really going to try to be more regular with the epistles.


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