As the Burrito Burns

Step into the surrealishious and amazing world of Mexico as told through the eyes and mind of a teacher who has spent the past 20 years living in the coastal city of Puerto Vallarta. A wide range of experiences stretching from the serious to the sublime: living, working, marrying, birthing, teaching, eating, drinking, frolicking and fraternizing and so much more. There is so much to see and do, to tell and be told the list never gets old here at "As the Burrito Burns."

Friday, June 16, 2006

Typhoid and Dengue Anyone?

Well, as we all sit here in the intense humidity of mid-June waiting for a serious downpour or two to wash out the stagnant waterways and dusty air, several of my friends have been hit by illness. Two have contracted Dengue thanks to the mosquitoes that carry it and one was in the hospital with Typhoid, while two others came down with Salmonella poisoning. 'Tis the season to be wary, Cholera, la, la, la, la, la, la, la. My friend with the Typhoid thinks he got it from those homemade icy sweet treats known as "Bollis" that some local kid sells after his soccer game. The obviously question being, where is he getting the water from to make them? My friends with the Dengue admit sitting in a mosquito infested area without repellant. Hello! The Salmonella victims were just eating the wrong thing at the wrong time, ergo, highly perishable street food in 100* degree heat. Diesel infused oysters anyone? I don't mean to make light of any of this since I can only imagine what it would be like to make continual "long distance phone calls on the porceline telephone" (as the Aussies so colorfully term it). I touch wood often, avoid road-side seafood and close the screen doors during the "mosquito" hours; then I touch wood again.

If Jeff is reading this, send me your new e-mail Mr. Spinmeister!!


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