As the Burrito Burns

Step into the surrealishious and amazing world of Mexico as told through the eyes and mind of a teacher who has spent the past 20 years living in the coastal city of Puerto Vallarta. A wide range of experiences stretching from the serious to the sublime: living, working, marrying, birthing, teaching, eating, drinking, frolicking and fraternizing and so much more. There is so much to see and do, to tell and be told the list never gets old here at "As the Burrito Burns."

Saturday, September 29, 2007

Sunset in September.

Even though September is hot, humid, rainy and shy on business for people living here, the sunsets are just as spectacular as any other time of year. The sun sets right in the middle of the Bay and viewing is easily done from your favourite beachside eatery. Aside from waiting for the sun to put on a show, there's always soemthing going on out on the water and yesterday was no exception. We saw baby mantarays jumping, and a bit later a super fine yacht cruised passed. Then, the well known Marigalante "pirate ship" could be seen drifting towards the horizon which is always an enjoyable sight. There were people swimming, kids playing in the sand and lovers strolling. Sitting at the edge of the sea is therapy for a slow September afternoon.

Wednesday, September 26, 2007

The Barracuda Addiction.

It's clear I can't get enough of "El Barracuda" and therefore, I invited some gal pals to join me yesterday for a Tuesday lunch and gab session since one of our friends is down from Canada.

Everyone knows how hot it is here in September but clients at this seaside establishment will only sweat from the habanera chiles. The steady coastal breezes keep the humidity at bay and the worst thing that can happen is a rearrangement of your carefully coiffed bouffant. As usual, our server, Jorge, was on top of his game and kept us all well supplied. During our gathering we enjoyed a cocktail known as a "Pinky" which includes a splash of cranberry juice, some soda water, a generous pour of vodka and a slice of lime. It's a perfect "ladies" afternoon selection. We accompanied our cocktails with orders of the tempura shrimp tacos, and once again the selection of salsas made the grade. ( I would venture to say the chipotle sauce is my fave.)

The music was hip and unobtrusive, the vibe conducive to great conversation and I think it's just a super little escape from the hustle and bustle of daily life. I won't be surprised if the TG teacher gang want to return this Friday.

Sunday, September 23, 2007

More Barracuda.

I enjoyed the El Barracuda experience so much on Friday afternoon that I decided to take my husband on Saturday. We decided to get there in time for sunset and we weren't disappointed as the sun performed directly West of our table, smack in the middle of the Bay. I could attach pictures of the sunset but I'm sure you're more interested in the food. Hubby ordered a "Sarten" of Garlic shrimp which came to the table in a sizziling metal fry pan along with an order of warm garlic bread to soak up the juices. We also ordered their generous shrimp burrito which was such a hit the day before. Excellent! It's interesting to note that the evening menu is different than the day time and has Arrachera/shrimp combos along with a number of shrimp dishes, all of which sound wonderful. Since I love to cook, my husband is something of a tough customer but I'm happy to report he gave his food a thumbs up which means we can go back. Hopefully it will become a regular hang-out for locals and visitors alike as it deserves the kudos it receives. I recommend you try it soon!

Saturday, September 22, 2007

El Barracuda Bites the Teachers!

I don't think yesterday's TG could have been more enjoyable! We had the coastal breezes, great views, fun people and delicious food. Oh, and need I mention cold beer? This little restaurant overlooking the water has the right ingredients for a fantastic afternoon/evening and the friendly service and fresh shrimp burritos/tacos made it so worthwhile. It's billed as "casual fresh" and that's exactly what it is. It's the ideal place to chill with friends, eat, drink and be merry--very merry! We all had such a good time yesterday I know we'll be back.

If you're interested in checking it out, it's next to the Buenaventura hotel at 1290 Paraguay. There was lots of parking and you can't really have a bad seat. Their specialty is seafood tacos and some of the offerings include garlic shrimp, baja shrimp, smoked marlin and roasted pork loin in a pibil sauce. Speaking of sauces, one of the best features is the selection of savory sauces they serve with each order. There was everything from a mild chipotle sauce to a fiery Habanera which we loved! Wash it all down with a frosty Negro Modelo and you are in business!! It's open from 1:30 to 10:00 pm every day except Monday. I think you won't be disappointed.

Monday, September 17, 2007

Dinner and Kareoke?

This past weekend was packed with fun activities and beat the heat options for the rainy month of September. It started off at Xitomates at their new location a block up from Las Palomas. This is a stellar place to have a nice dinner with good friends or a significant other. It's wonderfully appointed with mood lighting, quality air-conditioners and exquisite decor. The service, menu selections and food are all excellent and worth the slightly higher prices. I can recommend the coconut shrimp appetizer and the seafood linguini main heartily as both were delicious and beautifully presented. If you want a sinful dessert try the chocolate mousse and go directly to heaven! Fantastique!!

Maybe your ready for some action after a sedate dinner? Try La Regadera (Kareoke bar) even if you don't want to get up and sing. It's across the street from Xitomates and offers quite an entertaining selection of "wannabes" crooning every kind of song possible. It ranges from the truly horrible to the odd unexpected talent but you can be assured it's never dull. They offer both English and Spanish song slections and since the stage is designed like a giant shower, with a lot of imagination, you can feel right at home singing your fave tunes. It's a popular place and stays open late so you can get your yah yahs out.

"Jeramiah was a bullfrog..."

Monday, September 10, 2007

Breakfast Cheapy.

Anyone who knows this blog knows I like to write about restaurants and food in general. My daughters had been telling me about a cheap place to go for breakfast and I finally got around to trying it out. The place is called "Confetti" and it's located on Calle Hamburgo in Versalles right next to the establishment known as "Bill's Place" and around the corner from Tarantino's Pizza.

The place is clean and spacious with comfortable wooden furniture and plenty of fans to keep the humidity at bay. The service is friendly and fast and the offerings very tasty especially once you consider the price! A heaping plate of chilaquiles in red or green sauce will only set you back $25 pesos and some really savory huevos rancheros are $32 pesos and come with a basket of hand patted tortillas frijoles and avacado slices. They also offer a comida corrida until 5:00, but I haven't tried that yet.

It's worth checking the place out if you're on a budget and even if you're not, it's an enjoyable place to spend some time on a Saturday morning. Cheers!

Saturday, September 01, 2007

A Humid August Night on the Town.

There's a newish establisment called "Tabu" on the highway heading south which is actually the latest reincarnation of a place that used to be known as "The Tree House" and was run by a friend of ours called Nacho Vega back in the late 80's. Anyway, the place has the same great view but the furnishings are much nicer and there's a nice little menu of salads and pastas. We gathered there last night for cocktails and enjoyed the trasformation. It's also a great place to see sunsets since it's perched high enough for a great view and friend Jenny took quite a spectacular shot of the darkening sky meeting the horizon. Apple maritinis and bruschetta with goats' cheese were in generous supply.

Then we headed to Archie's Wok for dinner but that didn't pan out at all since the place was loaded to the hilt, boiling hot and required at least a 20 minute wait. We were all out on the sidewalk dripping sweat in our nice outfits and finally decided we'd had enough of that action. We headed to the air-conditioned Cafe Maximilian and almost kissed the owner with appreciation for his climatically optimal diningroom; a veritable oasis in a desert of humidity. Now, let's really start enjoying ourselves! The appertizers we had ranged from crab cakes and onion soup to foie gras. Mains included veal, lamb and beef and in the Maximilian tradition, it was all superbly prepared and delightful to look at. The flavours were outstanding and because we were celebrating a birthday, they brought us a comp. dessert which consisted of a molten flourless chocolate cake and a refreshingly light mint ice cream. Fantastique!

So, after plenty of conversation, laughter and boisterousness we headed for the Club Roxy's. We arrived a few minutes before the band was about to start a set so our timing was good and they've added a new pool table on the upper level which is a good touch. We were expecting "Red, Red, Wine" but instead got Jimi Hendrix and Led Zepplen with some Creedence thrown in for good measure. It wasn't exactly dancing music but it was definitely air guitar and drum solo worthy. I have to say when he broke into Zepplin's "Whole Lotta Love" I was transported into the rec room of a teenage friend's house which was a rather vivid experience. It's spooky how certain music can do that. The lead singer had to be in his late 20's, was wearing a pair of acid wash skin tight jeans, no shirt and a leather vest. His voice sounded not unlike Dan Fogerty but he also ripped out the other leads equally well. Turns out he's from Torino, Italy. Who would have thunk it? Anyway, Jenny was at it with the camera so maybe she got a shot or two that can be shared at a later date if she gets to uploading them soon. It was a really good time and I'm not even paying for it too badly, which is a very good thing.