Events on the Home Front in Puerto Vallarta...

It's been awhile since I've posted anything of interest but that's not to say I've been idle. We just finished what was perhaps one of the highlights of our lives--the graduation of our eldest daughter preceeded by the 57th wedding anniversary of the parents and the 18th birthday of our other daughter. It was a veritable triple-header!
Friends and family flew down from Canada, we partied hardily and it was a wonderful time for all involved. One kid down, one to go and we'll truly fit the empty-nest profile and our future plans will unfurl with hopefully Spain in the crystal ball.
In the meantime, we have some humidity to get through--the barometer says it's 31*c with 71% humidity--and that's what life here involves come summer. Soon enough we'll be on our way up to Canada for some needed respitefrom the mugginess and some fresh adventures.
At 8:51 PM,
M&K... said…
Carmen...get in touch w/ us re: the Istanbul blog & teaching here...Turkish men don't bother us older women, but boy oh boy are the students about to start a mass extinction of teachers (7 of the 8 new ones have threatened to quit in this first week of school!)...
happytravails 'at' gmail 'dot' com
At 3:39 PM,
Nombre Utilizado said…
hello, i am a long time friend of lisa korvin. i have been traing to reach her and seem not to make it.
if you have any information about her it will be exepcional, since now i am in puerto vallarta and will like to catch up with her.
my e-mail is
thank you very much
Leandro Cordova
At 8:35 AM,
Andrea J. Carman said…
Leandro: Sorry for taking so long to get back to you. As far as I know, Lisa is working at a restaurant called Espresso here in Vallarta. You can probably google it to get more info. She has/had? been dating the owner but I don't know if that's still the case. Hope that helps.
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