As the Burrito Burns

Step into the surrealishious and amazing world of Mexico as told through the eyes and mind of a teacher who has spent the past 20 years living in the coastal city of Puerto Vallarta. A wide range of experiences stretching from the serious to the sublime: living, working, marrying, birthing, teaching, eating, drinking, frolicking and fraternizing and so much more. There is so much to see and do, to tell and be told the list never gets old here at "As the Burrito Burns."

Friday, March 31, 2006

From Sea to Table.

Continuing with my story about fishing and dinner...

Thank goodness my older brother happens to be a guy who loves to cook, because we all love to eat. He quickly volunteered to prepare a dinner for all of us with the "Toro" as the main dish and to add to the overall enjoyment factor our friends have a lovely and spacious condo overlooking the ocean and they offered their expansive digs as the dining venue.
There was a trip to "Rizo's" for the necessary ingredients and before long, the fresh fillets were bathing in a sauce of garlic, ginger, soya and lime. There were several other dishes prepared and the charcoal was set. The combination of salty sea air, smoky fish, family and good friends, created a fantastic ambience, to be sure. Those are the experiences that create the best memories and I look forward to more. Cheers!

Thursday, March 30, 2006

Fishin' for Supper.

While the brothers, my nephew and our friends were here, I organized a fishing trip that made salty seamen out of a bunch of land-lubbers. What a trip they had!

They left from the pier at Los Muertos beach early one Tuesday morning, four guys and a crew of two. None of the passengers have much (or any) deep sea fishing experience so I gather they were somewhat amazed by what Mother Nature had to offer. As they sped towards the open sea, they rolled slowly across the massive expanse of water, through schools of frantically jumping fish, giant rays and the odd sea turtle. It took them a good while to get to where the rest of the boats were, obviously following a pattern known only to the local fishermen. During this time the bros were fighting sea sickness and wondering if this was such a good idea! They basically kicked back and let the crew set the lines. As anyone knows, fishing is mostly a waiting game. Apparently, they didn't have to wait long when Ziiing! What monster from the deep had taken the bait? The boys were in for a fight! We later learned that while our friend fought the valiant battle to land his fish, the nephew was busy "chumming" for more fish, if you get my drift. It was not as idyllic as they imagined!
Meanwhile, back on the beach, the women had set up a table near the pier where we could watch them come in as they were due to arrive at about 11:30 am. Time ticked slowly by when all of a sudden we looked out to see the gang coming ashore from their fishing boat in a tiny wooden craft left over from days gone by; a total relic of a boat being oared by a sailor of similar vintage. As they reached shore, they stepped out hoisting two giant fish of about 30 lbs each which the locals call "Toro" probably because they fight like a bull on the line! Can you say proud fishermen? It was a site to behold and several moments were spent taking photos of the prize catch. The fish were then handed over to the kitchen staff at "Langostino's" where the largest fish was quickly rendered into an enormous pile of fillets for the BBQ. Dinner Party!

More later.

Wednesday, March 29, 2006

Aztecs, Bagpipes and a Burro?

I think I mentioned my family is in town and the folks have a cozy beachfront condo right downtown where all the action is. My Father loves nothing more than sitting out on his balconey with a good book--I think he's on book # 6--and watching the human circus below. He sees the touri taking off in the parachutes from shore, buddy walking out of "Burro's Bar" with a giant "Coco-loco" and a constant stream of vacationers in all manner of clothing or lack thereof. (It's especially advantageous for viewing cleavage, but I know he's too discreet for that. Heh.)

Living smack in the middle of the so called "Romantic Zone" has its perks and I heard about one of their latest adventures recently in which they gathered with some fellow friends and regular Vallarta goers at a hard-core drinkers' bar down by the wharf called "Cuates y Cuetes" to have a drink and watch a performance on the beach. Apparently the Spring Equinox brought out the Aztec dancers who proceeded to perform a series of dances honoring the Sun and its cycle and according to my Mom, they did everything short of sacraficing a virgin (a rare commodity in a beach resort!) Following the ancient ritual there was a serious change of tone and mood when a Canadian rock band took the "stage" complete with a guy on bagpipes, much to my Father's everlasting pleasure. It was reported that Dad was viewed by Mom positively peaking with delight, a Cuba Libre clutched in his fist and grin to beat all vacation grins; livin' the vida loca in spades. So, after swilling a few, they all decided to move on to the main drag and check out the action as they made their way home. Passing in front of the famous bar "Andale's" (which is ALWAYS packed) the old guy with the burro--a "fixture" out front-- attempted to get Mom up on his beast of burden but she managed to escape his clutches only to turn around a few seconds later to see her friend astride "Pancho"! Ole!! Apparently the old guy had just grabbed her by the waist and plopped her aboard. Well, Mom got next to the donkey and posed for that all important souvi photo which will remind them in the future of the great time they had. Viva Mexico!

Wednesday, March 22, 2006

Thanks to the Family.

Thanks to the family and some good friends, we have had an opportunity to so some great eating out of late and I just have to rave about a few places and their specialties!

Dacquiri Dick's wins hands down for the best Club sandwich on the Pacific coast. I kid you not! From the bread which is seved crustless, to the whole sliced chicken breast meat, to the crispy fries, the experience is nothing short of food nervana especially when complimented by a spicy Bloody Ceasar.

Archie's Wok continues to impress guests with their perfectly seasoned, beautifully presented and totally delicious delights. More, more, more! I'm still dreaming about the Pad Thai I had there the other day with spicy shrimp mixed in. MMMMMMM!

Ernesto's is still turning out perfectly cooked baby back ribs with that prize winning BBQ sauce and their buttery mashed spuds. Talk about finger licken' good!

More to come...

Friday, March 10, 2006

March is for Family.

The town is full of visitors from the North and you can include my family in that group. Younger brother pulled in yesterday, older brother gets in this afternoon and the 'rents get in tomorrow so it will be a welcome reunion.
The daughters and I played hooky yesterday in order to spend some quality time at the beach (isn't all time spent at the beach quality time?) and it was a nice way to break up the week. We slept, read, sunned, swam and said: pass the coco butter. Then we savored a few cold "Pacifico's", some fresh coconut seasoned with lime and chile, watched the boys toss a football around and a local man catch a series of tiny fish with a hand line. It was a perfect day for people watching and as usual, the beach vendors were out in full force offering everything from braids (the Bo Derek look has never gone out) to ink tatoos---barbed wire on the bi-cep anyone? It makes for an interesting day, to say the least.
Last night we hit "Ernesto's" for those baby back ribs and since it was Thursday, it's all-you-can-eat ribs which my brother does justice to. The price has gone up to $150 but the taste is just as good, so dig deep.
Many more adventures lie ahead as we play hosts to the family and it's really great to have Vallarta as the playground. Otra cerveza, por favor.

March is for Family.

The town is full of visitors from the North and you can include my family in that group. Younger brother pulled in yesterday, older brother gets in this afternoon and the 'rents get in tomorrow so it will be a welcome reunion.
The daughters and I played hooky yesterday in order to spend some quality time at the beach (isn't all time spent at the beach quality time?) and it was a nice way to break up the week. We slept, read, sunned, swam and said: pass the coco butter. Then we savored a few cold "Pacifico's", some fresh coconut seasoned with lime and chile, watched the boys toss a football around and a local man catch a series of tiny fish with a hand line. It was a perfect day for people watching and as usual, the beach vendors were out in full force offering everything from braids (the Bo Derek look has never gone out) to ink tatoos---barbed wire on the bi-cep anyone? It makes for an interesting day, to say the least.
Last night we hit "Ernesto's" for those baby back ribs and since it was Thursday, it's all-you-can-eat ribs which my brother does justice to. The price has gone up to $150 but the taste is just as good, so dig deep.
Many more adventures lie ahead as we play hosts to the family and it's really great to have Vallarta as the playground. Otra cerveza, por favor.